And it's off!
Lions' Pride is back to the editor with time to spare.
My brain hurts, but I'm happy.
Teresa Noelle Roberts: poet, erotica and romance writer, sometime fantasy writer, person generally obsessed with the written word (and with nature, love, and sex) This is the journal where I talk about my work.
I'd mentioned my two weddings on a post at the forum for Passionate Ink, the erotic romance chapter of RWA, and had several requests for the story. Posting the story in that thread didn't make sense, but this blog feeds to the forum, so here you go, ladies (and anyone else who's curious.)
I'm madly doing edits and requested rewrites for Lions' Pride. I'm delighted with Linda's comments and suggestions overall; they'll make the book stronger without changing my tone.
I subscribe to an email list called The Daily Om, little essays on spirituality and growth, basically. Sometimes they're silly, sometimes they're insightful--and one in a while, one makes me say, "Oh, yeah."