Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I'm in Washington DC this week, enjoying a history- and food-geek vacation with the Cat-Herder and friends. When I have time and technical capabilities (translate as "I forgot the cable for my camera and this laptop doesn't have a card reader") I'll post pictures of Thomas Jefferson's "writing machine," JQ Adams' chess set, and other fun things. The writing machine is quite steampunk, only it's real.

I just received edits for A Satyr for Midwinter, which makes the fact vacation must someday end a bit less onerous. I love this book and am very excited to know it will be out soon. It concludes the Seasons of Sorania Cycle, and features a sexy, tragic satyr,a practical, tough heroine who, in a land touched by magic, is much better at dealing with the mundane, and a ghost who manages to get quite lively with both hero and heroine.

But I didn't interrupt my vacation to post about me. I have updates on the Carnal Machines blog tour.

1)  Poe Von Page, the author of "Mutiny on the Danika Blue" is joining the tour, posting on May 14.  Here's her blog address:

2) The amazing Lisabet  Sarai is doing a contest tomorrow, May 12, on her blog and giving away a copy of Carnal Machines. She is clearly a more generous soul than I am, because I don't want to give up either of my author copies. This is partly because I haven't been able to pry one copy out of the Cat-Herder's hands yet. Anyway, Lisabet's blog addy is: You know you want to join the contest!


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