Actually, make that
sales, for I am in the upcoming benefit anthology
Coming Together: Al Fresco two and a half times (twice under my own name, once with a Sophie Mouette story.) Dayle has a story in here too (as Andrea Dale). The TOC is listed below; I don't know all the writers represented, but enough of them to say that this will be one fine anthology, with many great stories that take the theme of "sex outdoors" and create unique, hot, romantic visions.
Acceptances might be a better word than sales, because this anthology benefits
Conservation International, so this fine organization, not the Roberts-Collins Family Vacation Fund, will benefit from the proceeds. What does that mean? It means that I'm really urging you to buy this book!
Right now, in fact! Release date is Earth Day 2009, but you can pre-order it right now. It's an ebook (very eco-friendly) so you don't even have to pay postage.
http://allromanceebooks.com/product-comingtogetheralfresco-14361-166.htmlHere's the line-up:
Adam & Eve on a Raft (Robert Buckley)
Afternoon of a Faun (Helen E.H. Madden)
Anal Alley (Sommer Marsden)
Ask for It (Jude Mason)
Blonde on a Harley (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
For Want of a Woodpecker (Ripley Patton)
Foreign Parts (Rachelle Le-Monnier)
Hailey's Comet (Jae Knight)
Happy Endings (Jamie Hill)
Hidden in Fog (Teresa Noelle Roberts)
Mahalo (Allison Wonderland)
Making Rain (Angela Caperton)
Midnight Ménage à Trois (Heather Smith)
Natural Tease (Arya Rewan)
Outside in the Rain (Andrea Dale)
Pantheism 101 (Alessia Brio)
Paradise Valley (Michelle Houston)
Reclining Buddha (Lisabet Sarai)
Rites of Consummation (Nicole Gestalt)
Silver Bells and Cockle Shells (Shanna Germain)
Slow Burn (Sophie Mouette)
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes (Rita Winchester)
Sparrow Takes Flight (Giselle Renarde)
The Journey Home (Jasmine Black)
The Roof (Selena Kitt)
Untouched Perfection (Moondancer Drake)
Wet as Spring (Robin Elizabeth)
Wildlife (Randy Foster)