Monday, May 10, 2010

Promo and hot excerpt alert

First off, I'm embarrassed I've neglected this blog for so long. The good news is that I've been writing and living instead of blogging. The bad news is you've probably forgotten all about me by now.

But here's something that might remind you who I am. Remember me talking about the second Duals and Donovans book, Foxes' Den?

It's coming out in August, but you can read a sexy excerpt now and have a chance to win it as soon as I get my own copies! Check out the Spring Showers promo at Coffee Time Romance. (You have to register, but all you need is an email and username.) While you're there, track up the thread and see all the other hot, hot, hot excerpts from my fellow Samhain authors.

And you could win fabulous prizes from me or any of the many authors involved. Who knows, you might find a new favorite, though I might cry if it's not me!

Keep checking back at Coffee Time. New excerpts will go up all month long.

And maybe I'll manage to get a few posts up here this month too.


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