Sunday, September 30, 2007

Novella news

Novella news...
I should be squealing happily, but I'm actually reporting news I got a while back and (blush) forgot to post.

First off, Dayle and I have been asked to do a novella for a project that I'm not sure I can talk about in any detail yet, but is very exciting. Now we just have to get our schedules aligned properly and write it, because life has been a little crazy of late for both "Sophie" and "Mouette." Fortunately it's on the short end of novella length, almost a long short story, so once we get going, it should go fast.

Also, my novella Lady Sun Has Risen has been accepted by Phaze Books and will be out in January. Look here for more details as the date draws closer! This is an erotic romance in a fantasy setting, with an unabashedly alpha hero, a heroine who's smarter than she thinks she is some ways--and more naive in others--and involves two of my favorite subjects to write about, or read about, (or fantasize about, for that matter), spanking and sex magic. Sex magic involving spanking, even. I can't wait to see my cover for this one. Phaze has also commissioned me to expand a short story into a novella...woot!


At 1:03 PM, Blogger Dayle A. Dermatis said...

Congrats on the sale to Phaze! I'll be interested to hear your experiences with them, since it's not a route I'm planning to go down.


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