Monday, November 01, 2010

Happy November 1!

I hope everyone had a fine Hallowe'en, full of fun, candy and costumes (and for those follow a pagan path, spiritual insight). For the first time in many years, we attended a party, a fairly small gathering of good friends at which we wore costumes (I was a cat), ate exceptional food and played "spooky" games such as Zombies and Give Me the Brains (zombies working in fast food, with one brain to share among the crew. Sounds an awful lot like some of my former jobs!)

For me, as a Celtic path pagan, today is the first full day of the new year. (I celebrate the standard New Year too, because it's fun.) I have a feeling this year will be...interesting but I'm going to leave it at that for now.

Today, for many of my friends, marks a beginning of a more secular kind. Today is the first day of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), a challenge to produce a new 50K manuscript in a month. I'm not doing it this year because I have several projects to finish and need to direct my energy toward those. Plus, there's job-hunting. But new projects are always shinier than ones I've been struggling with, and the companionship in misery is always good.

Repeat after me: NOT THIS YEAR, TERESA! I will write like a good little writer--but I will not NaNo.


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