Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Acceptable and Unacceptable

Got no love from Best Women's Erotica this year. I sent two solo stories and we sent a Sophie; none made the cut. (My two stories are already off to new markets, where with luck they'll catch the editor's fancy.)

On the other hand, it looks like one of our Sophie Mouette stories will be reprinted in the Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 2008. Go us! More details to come.

This weekend was not a writing-full one. We went to Maine with a large crew of friends and had a glorious, relaxing time. I grabbed my laptop on the way out the door...then got real and set it back down, knowing it would end up being used for nothing except to play music and make me feel guilty. (That's what happened last time. I've written in the cabin in Maine when it was just Himself and I; we'd take some quiet time, he'd nap or read and I'd dash off 1000 words and feel like I'd done something. But with half our friends there? Ain't happening!)

Yesterday, on the other hand, was supposed to be work, work, work, but there was a little incident involving an indoor cat who decided on Sunday night, in the midst of torrential rains, to slip out and explore the great, car- and coyote-ridden outdoors. I ended up spending a good chunk of the day slogging through the neighborhood in the rain, hanging signs and asking neighbors "Have you seen this kitty?" Got some stories out and some correspondence done, but that was it for work.

The cat came back--hurray!--so today I get to go take the signs down and let the neighbors who'd been truly concerned know that the Rumble-beast has returned. And then it's back to were-beasties and the woman who loves them.


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