Sunday, June 01, 2008

Squee! Another good review!

Better late than never, I'm getting some good reviews on Lady Sun. (Note to self: Get out review copies earlier, even to places Phaze sends them to anyway. Sometimes review sites need that extra nudge.) This time at Coffee Time Romance. Four coffee cups (I love coffee, the more cups the better!) and it ends with the line "This is a story that will get you fired up and in the mood to celebrate your own pleasurable rituals, and maybe keep the faith that love can find you in the oddest circumstances."

Nice, huh?

In other news, I've received contracts for two more short stories, one accepted long enough ago I'd forgotten it, and heard some promising news (that I can't reveal yet) on two others. To balance this spate of goodness, Out of the Frying Pan got another form rejection. Ah, onward and upward. It's gotten editorial love before; it will again.

Speaking of editorial love, or more to the point, editing, I need to finish up Lions' Pride. Got some serious editorial avoidance going on, because soon I'll have to write the synopis and I hate doing those. But without one, I can't start getting this book out in hopes of editorial love, and you know I love editorial love!

And in other other news, I'll be blogging tomorrow at Lust Bites on the topic "Does Size Matter?" Hint: Get your minds out of the gutter, because it's not related to that fascinating age-old controversary. Although since it's Lust Bites, I do bring that up.


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